Tuesdays in October, join me for gallery talks through Reynolda's current exhibit, The Voyage of Life: Art, Allegory, and Community Response. We'll be sharing and engaging some of the choreographic approaches that can be sourced from this reflective collection:
Learn about my favorite dance podcast Dance & Stuff and discuss the moment wrestlers inspired photographer Collier Schorr to start dancing.
Make sense of the chaos in Lee Krasner’s Birth by moving with its curves and lines. See an example in Shen Wei's Rite of Spring.
Consider the likeness of George Bellow’s lithograph Tennis to the proscenium stage.
Look at how Kent Monkman’s performed responses to settler-European paintings reinsert absent bodies and reverse the gaze.
Get to know Keith Haring’s 'painting as performance' through his collaborations with choreographer Bill T. Jones. We’ll see a related example of how motion capture technology has influenced ways that the drawn line tracks movement.